Lodge Upstairs Dorm 1

Lodge Upstairs Dorm 1 at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center is a prime choice for those interested in Indiana Christian camp. The center is designed to support a range of Christian-focused activities, making it suitable for summer camps, family camps, teen camps, and middle school camps. It emphasizes spiritual growth through worship of Jesus Christ and Bible study. Facilities are likely to be comfortable, catering to youth and families, and staffed by dedicated summer staff.

Lodge Downstairs Dorm 2

Lodge Upstairs Dorm 2 at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center is likely designed to support Christian camps and retreats in Indiana. This facility may cater to various age groups, from youth to adults, and is suitable for activities like family camps, teen camps, and middle school camps. It emphasizes Christian teachings, worship, and Bible study. 

Lodge Downstairs Dorm 3

Lodge Upstairs Dorm 3 at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center is part of a facility dedicated to Christian camps and retreats in Indiana. This dorm likely offers accommodations suitable for various Christian camp activities, such as youth and teen camps, family camps, and worship sessions. It’s tailored to support an environment conducive to faith, fellowship, and learning.

Willow Hall Downstairs Dorm 1

Willow Hall Downstairs Dorm 1 at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center likely provides an ideal setting for various Christian-oriented programs. It’s possibly well-suited for overnight camp experiences, camp sessions, and special events like ladies’ retreats. The accommodations might be comfortable, ensuring a pleasant stay for all participants. Additionally, opportunities for camp volunteer could be available, enhancing the camp community spirit and service.

Willow Hall Upstairs Dorm 1 & 2

Willow Hall Upstairs Dorm 1 & 2 at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center is designed to cater to a variety of Christian camp experiences in Indiana. These dorms are likely equipped to accommodate groups such as youth camps, family camps, and teen camps, focusing on activities that promote Christian faith and values.

Willow Hall Upstairs Dorm 3

Willow Hall Upstairs Dorm 3  at Walnut Ridge Retreat Center is part of their offerings for Christian camps in Indiana. It’s designed to support a wide range of Christian-oriented activities and camps, including youth and teen camps, family camps, and worship-focused retreats.

Mission Center

  • Christian Church Focus: The Mission Center is likely tailored for events and activities of Christian churches.
  • Personal Information Safety: Ensures secure handling of personal information for attendees.
  • Church Conferences: Ideal for hosting church-related conferences.
  • Worship Opportunities: Designed for worship sessions, enhancing spiritual experiences.
  • Skill Development: May offer programs for skill enhancement in a Christian context.
  • Camping Facilities: Suitable for camping experiences in Hartford City.
  • Ladies Retreats: Likely hosts special retreats for women.
  • Overnight Camp Accommodations: Provides comfortable facilities for overnight stays.
  • Conference Center Capabilities: Equipped for large and small Christian conferences.